PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk. Cyber 2 Tower, 28th Floor. Jl. Rasuna Said Blok X5 No. 13. Jakarta 12950 Indonesia. Phone:+62 21 2902 1352 Fax:+62 21 2902 1353
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keeps you connected across the coal world. The ultimate and one of the Independent coal news portals which provide related information on coal bulk ...
7 th Indonesia Power Generation Independent Power Producer (IPP) Summit 9 10 May 2017 | ShangriLa Jakarta Indonesia : Speakers Ignasius Jonan, Minister of Energy ...
BUMA (PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama ) Established in 1998, BUMA provides services to Indonesian coal producers across all production stages, including geology and ...
Mr. Umar Zen President Director PT. TERANG KITA Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor Km. 29,6 Cimanggis, Bogor 16952
PROFESSIONAL MINING OPPORTUNITIES. PT. Bumi Suksesindo (BSI) is a subsidiary of the IDX listed company, Merdeka Copper Gold and owns the flagship Tujuh Bukit .
Geo Energy Group is an established and experienced coal mining group operating out of Indonesia.